
Rest and Restoration

Written by: Stephen Morgotch

May 05 2024

Life’s simple pleasures are as varied and as different as the people who experience them. Waking up in the morning to the smell and taste of a strong cup of coffee; sitting out on the deck waiting for the sun to set; and listening to the birds sing or the rain fall in the early morning; these are examples of things that breathe life into our days. Though all of us are different and what may appeal to one individual may not appeal to another, enjoying life’s simple pleasures is something we all share.

Life, however, cannot center completely around enjoyment. There are times where our lives get busy with work, financial obligations, and child rearing, to name just a few. Sometimes the failing health of a loved one most dear to us can put a heavy strain on our time and emotions and hamper our need to rest. At these times simple pleasures can turn into distant memories like ink fading from the pages of a story. Instead of being pleasurable, life can become more about tolerating the day-to-day activities and the hustle and bustle it brings. Most of us, myself included, sometimes get lost in the monotony of daily life. We forget the crucial importance of taking time out of our days to do the things we enjoy. It can be difficult to allocate time needed for rest and relaxation especially when we become caregivers to a loved one who is no longer capable of performing daily activities. At these times it can become necessary to sacrifice the things we enjoy as we know the ones we are caring for have sacrificed so much for us. When their health is failing our loved ones also, in many ways, lose their ability to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. It is a hard lesson to learn, that we need to take care of ourselves in order to adequately meet the needs of others.

Our lives can be likened to the energy stored by a battery. When we work hard and work long hours with no rest our energy becomes drained, and our battery is empty. We need to plug into a power source (ie. An activity we find enjoyable) to recharge. Even doing something small like watching our favorite sporting event with friends can recharge our energy, helping us to care deeply another day.

Normally, multiple batteries are required to operate a device. In the same way, we sometimes need support or could use the energy of others to help work through tough situations. Likewise, just as there are different types of batteries with different amounts of voltage, there are also different types of people with different types of expertise. This is where private home care comes in. Our staff our trained specifically to meet the care needs of others and we have lots of staff who can transfer their caring energy to you or your loved one. Private home care staff can provide respite care services that can give you time to recharge. If you still prefer to be the main caregiver for your loved one, staff can provide respite for as little as several days, to as long as several weeks to free up time for you to do the things you enjoy. Taking care of yourself during these times will allow you to better care for your loved one upon your return.